World Renewable Energy Forum - Empowering the World with Renewable Energy || Denver, Colorado, May 13-17, 2012

Financiers, Investors, Entrepreneurs — Are you Ready?

More than 200 sessions will discuss everything scientific, renewable, efficient, environmental or financial at the World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF), May 13–17, 2012, in Denver, Colorado.
Registration is open; early registration discount ends April 13. Sign up now for access to world's top renewable energy experts.
If your focus is the business side of energy, here are just some of the presentations ready for you:
  • Forecasting the Future of Energy Technologies using Economic Payback Curves
  • Clean Energy Policy Building Blocks: Helping Policymakers Determine Best Policy Practices for Clean Energy
  • Can You Find Real Gold in Investing in Green Energy in 2012? A Panel Discussion on the Effectiveness of Tax Credits, Incentives, and Grants for Renewable Energy Installations
If the business side of energy isn't your thing, we've got hundreds of other sessions to choose fromWREF's complete program is now online.
For more information on WREF, visit

About WREF

The World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) and the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) have joined forces to present the World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF). This international event on renewable energy technologies will address the world's economic, environmental and security challenges at every scale, from off-grid villages to gigawatt power plants. The 2012 conference also is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) and the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Conference details are at